The 2019 PACT General Assembly and Seminar will be held on June 15, 2019 from 7:30 am to 12:00 pm at the Daisy Hall, 5th Floor, Cherry Blossoms Hotel, #550 Jorge Bocobo Street, Ermita, Manila.

Our Guest Speaker during the General Assembly is Dr. Sheryl Lyn C. Monterola. The title of her talk is “Eyeing the Future of Jobs: Empowering STEM Teachers for a Reskilling Revolution”.
Dr. Monterola is an Associate Professor of the College of Education, University of the Philippines-Diliman. She is also the Executive Director of the Center for Integrated STEM Education in the Philippines and a Visiting Scholar, Office of Education Research, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
No fee to be collected from Life Member. A fee of PhP 300.00 will be collected from Regular Member and Associate Member. The last day for registration for members is May 20, 2019. After May 20, we will open the slots to non-members provided they will apply for membership on-site.
Slots are limited. We will only accept a maximum of 100 participants.
How to register:
- For Life Member, you may proceed to register on-line. Be ready with a scanned proof of membership. Click the form in Step no. 3
- If Non-Life Member, pay the amount of PhP 300.00. Deposit your payment at any branch of Security Bank. Account Name: Philippine Association of Chemistry Teachers-National Chapter (PACT-National) Inc. , Account No. 0000018210247. Please inform the bank teller to put narrative “your name” in the deposit transaction. If check payment, you may endorse the check to “PACT-National”. Be ready for a scanned copy of the deposit slip and the copy of your proof of membership.
- After the payment, fill out the online registration form. Online registration is officially closed as of June 10, 2019 at 6:30 p.m.
- You will receive a confirmation message in your email in 3 to 5 days.
For any clarification: you may email secretariat@pact.ph or pactnational@gmail.com